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The 6th International Congress of Genetics

The 6th International Congress of Genetics was held at Cornell University and the New York Agricultural Research Station in 1932. Nikolai Vavilov (circled in red in the group photo, below) attended.

6th International Genetics Conference, Cornell University, 1932
Nikolai Vavilov attended the 6th International Genetics Conference, held at Cornell University in 1932. He is circled in red on the left portion of the photograph. Click for a zoomable version.

While at the conference Vavilov presented on a number of topics but also was engaged by the advancements of his fellows, a kind of world scientific camaraderie he would not experience again. The 1932 trip would his last expedition away from the Soviet Union; upon his return Vavilov would never again be permitted to leave the U.S.S.R.. At the 7th Congress held in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1939 an empty chair was placed at the opening ceremonies to mark his involuntary absence.

Additional links and research starting points regarding Vavilov and the Sixth International Genetics Conference are part the Rare Russian Beekeeping Works library guide (