[Talmud Bavli]. Tractate Taʿanit with Rashi’s Commentary… Venice: Daniel Bomber מסכת תענית עם פירוש רשי….תלמוד בבלי
[Talmud Bavli]. Tractate Taʿanit with Rashi’s Commentary… Venice: Daniel Bomber מסכת תענית עם פירוש רשי….תלמוד בבלי
The Talmud (Babylonian and Jerusalem versions) is a vast compendium of rabbinic law and lore transmitted orally, subsequently in manuscript, from ca. 200 BCE to ca. 700 CE. Its principal components are the earlier Mishnah and later Gemara and its languages Hebrew and Aramaic. One of several Tamudic tractates in the Jon A. Lindseth Collection dedicated to fables in Jewish culture and literature. The collection is on deposit with Cornell University Library (catalogue number F-1791).
Presumed to be in the public domain because of creation date.